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Acquisition and Merger of Companies

Mergers and acquisitions include all activities related to the purchase, sale, division and combination of different companies in order to achieve greater growth and profit.
Smart Finance can offer you creative and innovative solutions for you in order to achieve your goals such as:
  • Selling, buying or taking over companies
  • Identification of business partners to connect in neighboring countries, EU or globally
  • Mergers and acquisitions within certain industries or with foreign companies
  • Acquisition of a credit company or acquisition of a credit and investment capital management company
  • Preparation of investment or sales documentation
  • Cash flow projections and modeling of the financial effects of the purchase for a period of 3-5 years after the purchase
  • Recapitalization by investment funds or international financial institutions
  • Buying a company abroad
  • Preparation and delivery of offers for undertaking the privatization procedure

Headquarters of the company

СМАРТ ФИНАНСЕ ГРОУП Дооел Скопје, со седиште ул.Франклин Рузвелт бр.11, Скопје


Phone number

+389 75 437 670

Working hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

Headquarters of the company

SMART FINANCE GROUP Ltd. Skopje, with a registered office at st.Franklin Ruzvelt no.11 Skopje


Phone number

+389 70 797 822

+389 70 797 783

Working hours

Monday - Friday 8:00 am to 4:00 pm

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